Welcome to The Chat Page
Welcome to the chat page. Chats are available on most any subject. All you need to do is send an email or call requesting a chat, and the following information MUST be provided.
Step 1.
Have the following details ready prior to sending your chat request email.
1. Your email address
2. Your name
3. Nickname (optional)
4. Your age (chats of a mature nature require that you be at least 18 years old)
5. Your Date of Birth
6. Phone number at which you may be reached.
7. Date and Time on which you would like to request a chat
8. Your location and Time Zone - i.e.. Los Angeles -- Pacific Time Zone
9. Your interests, hobbies, etc. (optional)
10. Subject of your chat
Step 2.
State The Name of ther Person You with Which You Wish to CHAT
Step 3.
Now that we have gotten all of the needed information, email this information in this exact order. It is not necessary to number the items. Email the information to: sockit2unow@aol.com. Be sure that in your subject line you state CHAT with "Person's Name". Once your email is received. I will read and respond to it and give you a rate quote for the particular chat.
Chat Rate Pricing: $15.00 / Hr. (1/2 Hr. Minimum)
Step 4.
You should receive a return
email within 24 Hrs., if not you may call to setup chat by reaching me at (757)
934-1929 -- Home / Office or by (757) 615-6966 -- Cell. If you setup your
chat by phone, please be sure to have your information ready when calling.
The fee charged for your chat must be paid in advance, unless other arrangements
are made. You will not be charged any fee for the initial chat setup call
if you choose to do so by phone. You will be given an Order Number.
You may pay by Phone by Credit Card --
If paying by check or money order, place the Order Number on your money order or
check. Payments arriving without the order
number, may cause a delay in the processing of your chat. Checks or Money Orders
should be made Payable to and Mailed to:
C. J. White
134 Maple St.
Suffolk, VA 23434-4050
If you chose to pay by credit
card Click Here for more info:
Step 5.
When you place your chat call, I will be available to handle your call, provided is during the assigned slot. Prices subject to increase without out notice printed on this page or based on the particular chatter you select.
If you would like to chat with someone other than me, let me know in the email or call. You may also chat with models as they are available, also due to the fact that some of the models are under 18, your chats with them must be of a non-mature audience nature. Persons under 18 may terminate any chat that does not abide by this rule.
Limited Liability: Liability for any arranged chat is limited to the refund of chat fee only.
If you miss your time to chat, you will need to email or call to reschedule. I am not in the rip off business so myself and any other chatters will make every effort to make sure you get the satisfaction of the chat for which you have paid.
NOTE: All chats are kept confidential.
Happy Chats!